
What is Paper Orca?

Paper Orca is an amazingly accurate scanning app designed specifically for the classroom. Take a picture of a completed worksheet, and let the Orca automatically crop, enhance, and sort it in your LMS. You'll be surprised how well it can recognize and rescale a worksheet, even from chaotic images.

What makes Paper Orca better than other scanning apps?

Paper Orca is a comprehensive tool for the entire scan-and-upload process and it does not require a device for each student. Use just one (or a few) classroom devices to rapidly scan work for your entire class.

How do you automatically identify an assignment and student from a picture?

QR codes and image analysis techniques are used to match scans to their corresponding assignment in your LMS. In most cases Paper Orca will identify the student from their written name, otherwise it will prompt confirmation of its best guess(es).

Can parents turn in an assignment for their student?

Yes, parents can either use the Paper Orca app or send an email to a teacher's personalized @orcapost.com address with image attachments.

How can I try out Paper Orca?

We are not yet publicly available, but you can sign up to be on the preview waitlist here.

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